Friday, July 22, 2011

Made it to Guangzhou and the White Swan

This will be a very quick post, as it's late and I'm exhausted.  We made it to Guangzhou and are settled into the White Swan Hotel.  The flight was hot and a bit delayed, with lots of babies!  On the plus side, Maggie really came out of her shell and played, laughed, and jabbered all through the flight.  What a time to decide that NOW she likes to party!  On the negative side, she seems to get motion sickness.  Mary Helen, as has been the case throughout the trip, flew like an old pro!  More to post and some pictures after her physical tomorrow morning. 


  1. Hey! Just found this blog via google search. We're traveling in a couple of weeks to pick up a little boy from Henan. Have fun on your way home!

  2. So glad you all have made it to the last leg of your trip! Enjoy the familiar sights of Guangzhou. Hopefully, it isn't raining this time!
